Mittwoch, 13. März 2013

Custom render tags API documentation finished

The documentation of the custom render tags API has been finished in the OpenText developer network community. You can have a look here:

The documentation now contains details step by step samples for
  • Custom render spots:
    • Global constants render spot
  • Custom provider:
    • Global constants page / Global constants provider
  • Custom render tags:
    • Reformatting comma separated lists as XML
    • Page state information
In addition, the documentation contains information about general problems like:
  • How to cache information within customizations?
  • How to execute RQLs within customizations?
  • How to log information within customizations?
  • Where to put configuration data for customizations?

I'm curious to see the first customizations getting implemented. Let me know if there's something missing in the documentation or if you would like to see some additional examples.

Mittwoch, 6. Februar 2013

Finished first examples on custom render spots and provider

The custom render tags API documentation now contains the first two getting started examples for implementing a custom render spot and a custom object loader. These two examples show how to build a simple syntax for accessing global constant values like the text resources in the Best Practices Project more easily by just using two commands within your template:

<%% InitializeFromPage(A8EE657A1A8446CF90437A74B5CFEC6D) %%><div id="header" role="banner">
<%% stdLabelOpen %%>
<%% stdLabelClose %%>

instead of using the more complex, redundant and more error-prone builtin commands like this:
<div id="header" role="banner">
<%!! Context:Pages.GetPage(Guid:A8EE657A1A8446CF90437A74B5CFEC6D).Elements.GetElement(stdLabelOpen).GetHtml() !!%>
<%!! Context:Pages.GetPage(Guid:A8EE657A1A8446CF90437A74B5CFEC6D).Elements.GetElement(stdLabelClose).GetHtml() !!%>

Both examples come with full source code and compiled assembly. Read more on OTDN here.