Mittwoch, 6. Februar 2013

Finished first examples on custom render spots and provider

The custom render tags API documentation now contains the first two getting started examples for implementing a custom render spot and a custom object loader. These two examples show how to build a simple syntax for accessing global constant values like the text resources in the Best Practices Project more easily by just using two commands within your template:

<%% InitializeFromPage(A8EE657A1A8446CF90437A74B5CFEC6D) %%><div id="header" role="banner">
<%% stdLabelOpen %%>
<%% stdLabelClose %%>

instead of using the more complex, redundant and more error-prone builtin commands like this:
<div id="header" role="banner">
<%!! Context:Pages.GetPage(Guid:A8EE657A1A8446CF90437A74B5CFEC6D).Elements.GetElement(stdLabelOpen).GetHtml() !!%>
<%!! Context:Pages.GetPage(Guid:A8EE657A1A8446CF90437A74B5CFEC6D).Elements.GetElement(stdLabelClose).GetHtml() !!%>

Both examples come with full source code and compiled assembly. Read more on OTDN here.

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